April books, Part II

1 min readApr 29, 2020


Continuing from the first half of the month

I reread A Swiftly Tilting Planet, part of Madeleine L’Engle’s “Time Quartet”, which I first read as a child. A science-fiction, slightly fantasy book (there’s a unicorn, for some reason), it’s still worth the read and well written for a young adult novel — a book I’d be very happy for a child of mine to read someday.

The Loosening Skin, by Aliya Whiteley, is a science fiction novel about an alternate reality in which people shed their skins every five years or so, and with them, parts of their personality. I liked the conceit but found the characters uninteresting and didn’t feel the author managed to do much with such a promising premise.

Finally, I read P.G. Wodehouse’s Leave it to Psmith, which is fun, like all his writing — but nothing compares to his Jeeves books. Sorry, Diogo.




You should see me dance the polka, you should see me cover the ground.